Posts Tagged ‘object’
September 24, 2015
Tomorrow Things @ ARCHIVE Tomorrow Things is an object-oriented experiment, a performance of figures yet to emerge from the primordial jelly. Formally posed as a collection of “blank objects”, each work presents a scenario: a potential artwork that is in the process of being selected, transformed or permanently erased from the artist’s oeuvre. Using perceptive […]
2015 | WORK | Media: installation | Tags: 2015, ARI, installation, light, object, painting, projection, propositions, provisional, scenarios, sculpture, unfinished
Anamorphism @ARCHIVE_
June 18, 2014
Opening tonight, the next step in the ongoing collaborative work with ceramicist Justin Cooper. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2014 | NEWS | Media: Ceramics, installation | Tags: anamorphism, archive, ARI, ceramics, collaboration, installation, justin cooper, newtown, object
April 5, 2014
Site-specific Projects Over the past several years, several independent site-specific projects have been developed outside of the gallery environment. They include field recordings, ephemeral work and recreations of specific spaces. Only a small number of these works have been documented below – stay tuned for video and sound works to be added.
2014 | WORK | Media: installation, site-specific | Tags: 2006, 2009, 2014, architecture, building, found, installation, local, object, plastic, recycled, redfern biennale, site-specific, space, wall, wind sock, wood
November 18, 2013
Super Six, curated by Gilbert Grace @ DNA Projects Super Six engaged seven artists to explore the architectural, environmental, social and historical aspects of asbestos in the built environment. 4 works were produced for this show: two ephemeral installations which included an inflatable cloud sewn from an unpicked and reassembled Tyvek® HazChem suit and a […]
2013 | WORK | Media: installation, object, painting | Tags: asbestos, Bowie, DNA, ephemeral, gilbert grace, hazchem, inflatable, installation, Jagger, james hardie, object, painting, plinth, portrait, suit, super six, Tyvek, vitrine
July 18, 2013
MULTI_GRIP @ Articulate Projects 4 propositions or “propped works” were produced for a group show – curated by Margaret Roberts – which examined the relationship between the work and the walls. An assemblage of paper and cardboard objects were suspended with nothing more than lightweight poles and gravity, which created both a mechanism for viewing […]
2013 | WORK | Media: installation, object | Tags: 2013, articulate, cardboard, gravity, installation, margaret roberts, multigrip, multi_grip, object, paper, proposition
MULTI_GRIP at Articulate
July 10, 2013
MULTI_GRIP opens at Articulate project space on Friday 12 July at 6-8pm. Open: 11am – 5pm, Friday – Sunday, 12 – 28 July 2013. 497 Parramatta Road, Leichhardt, NSW 2040 MULTI_GRIP is an exhibition of work by artists Connie Anthes, Sue Callanan, Lynne Eastaway, Jane Gavan, Beata Geyer, Lesley Giovanelli, Adrian Hall, Georgina Pollard, Alicia […]
2013 | NEWS | Media: installation | Tags: articulate, exhibition, group, installation, multi_grip, object, project, prop, space, wall
98 VACANCIES, 2013
March 12, 2013
Untitled (98 vacancies), for Cementa_13 The inaugural Cementa Festival of Contemporary Australian Art took place in February 2013 in the rural-industrial town of Kandos, NSW. 40 artists were invited to undertake a residency and develop a site-specific project for exhibition. Untitled (98 vacancies) is a sculptural installation exploring the economics of loss, using materials native […]