March 2, 2011

As part of Art Month Sydney, Col­li­sions engages the stu­dio artists at INDEX in a col­lab­o­ra­tive rela­tion­ship with a par­tic­i­pant out­side of their cho­sen medium, dis­ci­pline, or even from out­side of the visual arts. By intro­duc­ing the ele­ment of an exter­nal par­tic­i­pant, the artists are con­fronted with the lim­its of their soli­tary stu­dio prac­tice and com­pelled to impro­vise accord­ing to the changed dynamic of shared mak­ing. Par­tic­i­pants: Con­nie Anthes, Anthony Bar­tok, Dr. Julian Berengut, Justin Cooper, Glen Davis, Paula Gowans, Gilbert Grace, Jake Lloyd Jones, Poppy, Georgina Pol­lard, Alex Wisser.


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