Video Archive
Below you’ll find a selection of process documentation capturing recent sound, installation and spatial projects.
UNTITLED (MAKESHIFT #3), 2010. Video documentation of construction of the Makeshift series of “drawings-in-space”.
UNTITLED (THE DISAPPEARANCE OF STATIC), 2012. Shown at He Blinked Back, one of a series of inflatable drawings comprised of erased VHS tape and floor fans.
UNTITLED (DOORWAY/DANCE), 2012. Shown at He Blinked Back, one of a series of inflatable drawings comprised of erased VHS tape and floor fans.
VIDEO ARCHIVE | 2011 | WORK | Media: installation, video | Tags: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Anthes, archive, ARI, art, artist, Connie, damien, documentation, drawing, drawing-in-space, Firstdraft, gallery, inflatable, installation, interactive, makeshift, minton, modular, process, sound, system, video